A metaphor is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea. Which means is the comparison of two unlike things. One example of a metaphor is,“He was drowning in paperwork” In which having to deal with a lot of paperwork is being compared to drowning in an ocean of water. Another example of metaphor is "Her home was a prison" which means her home has some characteristics of a prison. We mainly imagine, She could not leave her home, or her mom doesn't like her to go outside that's why she may feel her home is like a prison.
Another way to understand metaphor is to view a metaphor as a personification. Personification is when we make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only humans can do. An example of personification is "Wind yells while blowing" This is an example of personification because the wind can not yell. Only a living thing can yell.
Simile relates to metaphor, the only thing is that simile uses like or as. A simile is the comparison of two unlike things using like or as. An example of a simile is "My love is like a red, red rose." As you can see this example is a simile because it uses the word "is" and also because it compares love to a red rose, which love and red rose are two unlike things.
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of uniquely human characteristics to non-human creatures and beings, natural and supernatural phenomena, material states and objects or abstract concepts. An example of an Anthropomorphism is "The dog in bathoven was playing basketball and wearing sneakers." This is an Anthropomorphism because is a dog and they giving a human characteristic.
Hyperbole is exaggeration or overstatement. An example of a Hyperbole is "It is going to take a bazillion year to make it out of Medical School"This is a Hyperbole because it exaggerates the amount of year of
completing something.
A parable is a story with a moral, or a story that teaches a particular lesson. It usually involves familiar people, places or objects, which differentiates it from a fable.
Fable is a legendary story of supernatural happenings, narration intended to enforce a useful truth; one in which animals speak and act like human beings. One example of fable is "A crow was sitting on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her beak when a Fox observed her and set his wits to work to discover some way of getting the cheese."
Analogy is the comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship. The key is to ascertain the relationship between the first so you can choose the correct second pair. Part to whole, opposites, results of are types of relationships you should find. An example of analogy is "The relationship between them began to thaw. This means that the relationship was changing."
Metaphors are use to help us understand the unknown, because we use what we know in comparison with something we don't know to get a better understanding of the unknown. Metaphor works in many levels in poetry. Utilized by poets and novelists to bring their literary imagery to life, metaphors are an important component of reading closely and appreciating literature.
In the study of metaphor we would use the poem "Joy" by Starfields
Just when you thought that winter would be here forever, that it could never end, you saw:
Amidst the frozen white, a tiny tip of green, first blade of grass, the messenger of spring.
The grass is not a messenger, but a person can be a mesenger. The way the metaphor is use in this poem is so we can understand what the messenger does. The grass doesn't move far from where it belongs, but when winter is gone the grass shows spring, that's the reason why we see it as a messenger because is saying the spring is coming.The next poem I used was "Play"
Random raindrops on the window pane. Touch them with your finger tip - but there's the barrier of glass. You know that if you wanted to become involved you should be on the other side.
In reality we are not feeling the water drops on our finger. A simile is the two comparison of two unlike things using like or as.
"Elephant" cartoon is showing five blind man standing by an elephant. One of the man is holding the trunk and says "An elephant is like an empty oil pipeline." That quote is a simile because it used "like".Another of the blind man is holding the leg and Say's " An elephant is like a tree killed by global warming."This quote is also a simile because it uses "like" as well.
The poem "Nature chorus" is an example of personification. "Willows bend to their partners while the spruces curtsy in response." The trees does not have partners and curtsy only people do.
A Fable called "The Wind and the Sun" talks about who was the stronger. This fable is a metaphor
because is using two objects that are unlike each other. Both the sun and the wind are very strong. A Emily Dickenson's poems she uses metaphors. One example of a poem called "Book" she said "There is no frigate like a book to take us land away." The simile is that the book has the same action as a frigate, it take us from land to land. Another of the poem is "The Stone"
Metaphors works in different ways in our life. The metaphor that apply's to me is "Battle" because everything in this world is a struggle. We struggle each day to become what we want and also to the best we can. In this world we are always either winning or loosing. It's also a competition for the best. This metaphor works for me but also it causes problems because I always want to win, basically do the right thing and don't like being wrong about it.
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